Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Prelim Question # 1

Blog Question #1:

1.How do you perceive information as a resource of a company?

A survey of Human Resource practitioners' perceptions of pre-employment screening procedures was conducted. The results indicated differences between tests in terms of perceived accuracy and offensiveness, as well as other attributes. Regression analysis suggested that beliefs about validity, the number of other companies using these procedures, perceived offensiveness of the test, and ease in passing the test were important factors in the willingness to use a particular test. Conversely, perceptions regarding the discriminatory impact of the test and the cost of using the test generally were not related to willingness to use the test. Limitations of this study, which was primarily exploratory, are noted.

2.Cite a company;its nature. Describe how the information from its environment improvement its mgt and business as a whole?

Construction industry
Abstract Purpose – A quality management system based-ISO 9001 focuses on confirming process conformance from the initial development of a product through production, test, installation and servicing. Information management has been a key factor affecting the effective implementation of the standard. The aim of this study is to explore management of information flows in quality assurance in project management. It is hoped to that it will be helpful in pursuing continuous quality improvement in the construction industry.
Design/methodology/approach – Based on the characteristics of the construction industry, this study designed an organizational structure with three levels, including firm, sub-firms and project departments. The paper examined the difficulties for the multi-level organizational structure in information transferring and feedback.
Findings – It is found that there are information asymmetries in quality management from internal and external organizations. Internally, information asymmetry exists between contractor, subcontractors and suppliers; and externally, there is no information sharing mechanism between project departments. Information feedback is more difficult than information transferring in a construction firm.
Practical implications – The construction industry has always been bedeviled with great difficulties in sharing information among its participants. Although many construction firms have claimed to be ISO 9000-certified, there is still missing an effective channel of information flow for quality management. Originality/value – The paper proposes re engineering current management strategy for establishing an information network for quality management. This study could help construction firms to effectively manage information flow to achieve continuous quality improvement.



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