Tuesday, April 21, 2009

prelim question # 4

Prelim Question 4

Ethics is relevant regardless of the type of organization and style of management. It is by this ethics that legal and moral laws are established. IT is not at all excluded from this.

Answer then the following.

1. List down the ethics for computer usage.

  • The intended use of all accounts, typically for university research, instruction and administrative purposes, must be respected.
  • trying to alter computer hardware or software without authorization.
  • trying to disrupt others use of the computer, for example, by sending email in another user's name, by locking other user out of a machine, etc.
  • violating copyright or software agreements on software packages.
  • running a money-making operation using university computers without permission.
  • spamming. This means sending large volumes of email, thereby disrupting communications for an entire set of users. The usual purpose is either harassment of an individual or widespread dissemination of a ``get rich quick" pyramid-scheme mailing.
  • using computers for illegal activities, including pyramid schemes, making threats, theft, child pornography, etc.
  • The integrity of the systems must be respected. This means that users of systems will not divulge passwords, pins, private keys or similar elements to anyone else, and they will not exploit sessions left open or otherwise misappropriate or steal the "identity" of another user.

2. What common forms of ethic violations happen in the internet and in the organization?
The common forms of ethics violations happen in the internet cafe is the viewing of scandals play the games, and play the games,chating or not related their job work during office hour.

3. How does ethics affect the decision making of managers?

Answer:Ethics affect the decision making of managers because not all ethics are follow the law,the managers they concern for the benefits of the company or they protect what are the good for the company .

4. Cite a company which experienced legal or social conflicts because of its violation of ethics. You may check as example the problem of pre-need insurance companies in the Philippines.
Answer: Legacy Insurance Company

a. Describe briefly the nature of the problem.
:nature of this company it is Insurance Company,their problem on how to recover the money that the member of that said company deposit but that company was bankrupt about five million pesos.

b. How was this resolved?
Answer:As of now the problem of this company was not yet resolved.

c. Who were affected?
Answer: The affected of this are the member of legacy Insurance Company on how they get their money back.

d. What were the damages?
The damages of these their company was bankrupt

Cite your reference:Television,internet

by:wilma son

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